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Smoke And Mirrors
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Smoke And Mirrors Lyrics

Like a fly on the wall
Sometimes you think that you´ve seen it all
But then you wake up and you find yourself
still learning to crawl

I used to see you in a different view
But now you know that
I´m looking through you
I woke up in a masquerade
And I don´t know what you became

You´re not the person that you used to be
It´s smoking mirrors that´s fooling me
This whole things became one giant
nightmare of a mystery to me

Cause I don´t know you anymore
And maybe I never did before
I had to open up these can of worms
Spill it out now oh word for word
I used to have a way to put a face to the name
But now I don´t know what you became

Maybe my eyes are being deceived
And I´m not sure what I should believe
I used to hang out with a person I knew
But now I can´t figure out the truth

You´re not the person that you used to be
It´s smoking and mirrors that´s fooling me
This whole thing become a giant nightmare
Of a mystery to me

I´m not sure who you became
And I can´t put a face to the name

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these lyrics are submitted by D. Lokas
Songwriter(s): Robin Gibb, Maurice Gibb, Barry Gibb
Record Label(s): 2010 Century Media
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