You try to see- But your eyes won't perceive what your mind won't dare to dream And now you try to breathe - But your lungs keep choking on smoke and broken teeth And now you try to hear - But those voices inside your head fill your ears And now you try to scream - But you can't wake up from this awful dream
It's like Nightmares live in people - Manifesting evil
You try to to see- But you don't know how! You don't know how! Now you try to breathe- But there's nothing left! Just one less breath! Now you try to smile- But it's been such a long while you don't remember how And now you try to scream- But you can't wake up from this awful dream
It's like Nightmares live in people - Manifesting evil
Try to think for yourself, try to think for yourself Can't you see that we are broken? Tried to be someone, you tried to be someone else Too bad you're out of time now
You're tragedy Ring in the dead So sad to see
Leave em for dead Put 'em to bed Bury 'em red The dead are walking
The blind- The blind- The blind leading the blind The blind- The blind- The blind leading the blind
Nightmares live in people
Too many lives- Try to think for yourself, try to think for yourself Can't you see that we are broken? Try to be someone, you try to be someone else Too bad you're out of time now
You're Tragedy Ring in the dead So sad to see