Down here on the ground
ain't no place for living
No, no, no
Down here on the ground
Watching the sparrows fly
I watch the birds
As they make their wings
Flying solid free
How I wish it were me
But I'm down here on the ground
And I'm wanting something better
I'm down here on the ground
Wanting something more
One morning soon
You will find
Some wings on my mind
To take me high
So if you hear a sound
From down here on the ground
My friends
It's only me
Trying to fly
Trying to fly
I would love to fly
Because I'm tired of being
Down here on the ground
I'm tired of being
Down here on the ground,
One morning soon
I gotta find
Some wings on my mind
Wings to take me high
So if you hear a sound
If you hear a sound
From down here on the ground
I said my friends
It's only me
I will be trying to fly
Trying to fly
Live like a bird
I would love to fly
Because I'm tired of being
Down here on the ground
Yes I'm tired of being
Down here on the ground
el perro loco del mar en exilio en las islas hawai'iana
check amazon for Down Here On The Ground mp3 download these lyrics are submitted by kaan Songwriter(s): Lalo Schifrin, Gale Garnett Record Label(s): 2005 Warner Bros Records Manufactured & Marketed by Warner Strategic Marketing Official lyrics by
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