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That Way
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That Way Lyrics

Lyrics: Grant
in search of a new voice
you burnt all your lyrics
and flew to a new town
"one of the has beens"
that was your phrase
but what about show-biz?
that way that way that way
in my appartment
six white horses
wood turns electric
inspired by shadows
driven by tears
you won't rest, till you're back on the boards
that way that way that way
or nothing at all
I hear it's cold now
the worst one on record
hope that you keep warm
I guess I'll be leaving
now is the best time
on the Atlantic we'll all climb
that way that way that way
or nothing at all
it's only time away

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Songwriter(s): Larry Grossman, Michael Korie
Record Label(s): 2008 The Go Betweens
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