Mugshots Lyrics

Mugshots, mugshots
Mugshots, mugshots
I was just a lonely boy
Every day a different toy
I fell in love with Hubcap Jenny
And she fell in love with me
She taught me how to steal a car
And sling a brick
She taught me what the coppers are
And how and where to kick `em
I'm taking her advice
`Cos Hubcap Jenny's nice
I was just an only child
Running free and running wild
But I stole one hubcap too many
And the law came down on me
They taught me how to give salutes
And take some stick
To know the sound of policeman's boots
And now and then to lick `em
They taught me how to sleep at night
In the lion's den
Forget about the dynamite
And dream of Hubcap Jenny
Shoot `em in black and white
Bring me the prints tonight
I know, you know there's a mug in the shot!
"Where were you on the night in question?"
"I was home in bed M'Lord"
"I submit that last suggestion"
"Puts him in contempt of court"
"I'd give you proof but there isn't any"
"And there my lord I rest my case"
"There's no such girl as Hubcap Jenny"
"We have no record of her face in the mugshots"
Shoot `em in black and white
Bring me the prints tonight
I know you know there's a mug in the shot!
Give me a hint of style
Give me "The Kray Profile"
I know you know there's a mug in the shot!

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Songwriter(s): Godley, Creme
Record Label(s): 1979 Polydor Ltd (UK)
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