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A Broken Cadence
Goodnight City Lights
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A Broken Cadence Lyrics

It's all just playback and rewind
You'll find yourself slipping between days
Days when you felt okay
You're only lonely in you're mind
Confined to thoughts of regret and dismay
But I'm here for you always

Please don't question me
You won't like what you hear
These words consistently swim round my mouth
I fear for the worst

This broken cadence feels all right
A fitting end to fitting right in
I'd ignite the world tonight
I'm sorry for the way I am
You're better than me and my selfish plans
Don't let go of my trembling hands

Take back the things we love
You know it's not enough to fall

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these lyrics are submitted by GCLfan
Record Label(s): 2011 Goodnight City Lights
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