I know you could do
I know you would do
I know you could do fine
If what's yours was yours and mine
Just to pass the time
You can't ask more from the dyin'
And hey how now goes your health
And the management of your wealth
Better than you know yourself
This was this and that
That was that and this
The kiss was kiss and kiss
The cat was cat and piss
And hey how now goes your health
And the management of your wealth
It's better than you know yourself
Better than you know yourself
We could raise a bridge
Rising over that ridge
River rolling
River rolling
River rolling
River rolling
And hey how now goes my health
And the management of my wealth
Better than I know myself
Better than I know my...
Hey how now goes your health
Like the bombing of your stealth
It's better than you know yourself
Much better than you know your...
Hey how now goes your wealth
And the blandishment of your health
You're better than you know yourself
Much better than you know your...
Hey how now goes my wealth
Not to brandish meant for more health
And now I'm better than I know myself
Much better than I know my...
Hey how now goes our health
And the banishment of the self
It's better than one knows oneself
You're better than you know yourself
Better than I know my...
Better than I know my...
Better than I know my...
Better than I know my...
Better than I know my...
Better than I know my...
Better than I know my...
Better than I know my...
Better than I know my...
Better than I know my...
Better than I know my...
Better than I know my...