I found a forest off to the side of the world
I wondered why it looked so familiar
Why I knew everywhere
Had I been here before
I don't think so
Had I dreamed this place
Had it fallen from space
Had I been here before
I realized why it felt so real
So recognizable
I had dreamed this place up now it was coming to life
I couldn't believe my eyes
But I had seen this place so many times
It was where everything happened in my dreams
The best bit is I'm not asleep
I'm not afraid
Even though I know this place
I can't seem to escape and even though the pain is
getting worse
I don't wanna leave
Even though my life is being drained
I feel so awake
Even though I'm falling asleep
How did this happen
How did I dream this place
I found a forest off to the side of the world
I wondered why it looked so familiar
Why I knew everywhere
Had I been here before
I don't think so
Had I dreamed this place
Had it fallen from space
Had I been here before
I can't escape this forest
Everywhere I turn now is a dead end
Even when I imagine something new
I still can't get out
This forest I dreamed up has a mind of its own now
And even though I feel awake
I'm not afraid
I'm slowly falling down
No one to rescue me
It seems I can't leave
I'll be searched for I won't be found
I'll be called missing and never get out
How had this fantasy turned upside down
Now I was stuck in a world I couldn't escape
I couldn't leave this place
I can't escape
I'll be searched for but I won't be found
I'll be called missing and never get out
I can't leave
This place that I dreamed
I dreamed this place up
And now I need to escape
Someone rescue me
From this place I dreamed
Someone rescue me