I need to know this isn't fleeting
'Cause I'm an open wound that won't stop bleeding
Would you be the dam that blocks the river,
or a glass of poison on this torn up liver?
...and the best I've got are "Stay with me"s from a lockjaw mouth full of busted teeth
The past years have took their toll
This body's tired and getting slow
It always seems like the good dreams are worse than the nightmares
Nothing grows here anymore
The salt dried up the good soil
and the tilling's harder when its spoiled
It's all that salt
It's all that sweat
All this fire is all that's left
Could we sit down here for a spell?
There are back-stories I need to tell
Some are strange, but all are true
I'm sorry if this scares you
You won't understand,
but I don't expect you to