Granny Green was stooped as a windblown branch
She lived high in the bramble forest
Once a fortnight, if the moon shone right, she came down to our little village
She brought blackberries and willow bark, mandrake root and mushrooms
And it was said she spoke the tongue of birds
And understood the river's whispers
Now several girls among our town, by a golden lizard they were bitten
And those sweet girls lay stiff in their beds like frozen ice up on the branches
Granny Green mixed a tonic for their ills but it was such a bitter tonic
All who drank began to dance and could not stop their dancing
But none would have danced one sinful step
If that old crone had not bewitched us
How we leaped and pranced and cackled, the whole town writhing madmen
And so desperate grew some to still their feet they dove into the raging river
Still we danced on day and night till our fine clothes were torn and ragged
And crying out, “oh, Lord, make us stop” we danced naked round the chapel
How Granny laughed to see such sin
“It's just water,” she said, “in my tonic”
But all cried out, “she lies, she surely lies” and chased her deep into the bramble
But like the four winds she disappeared
Though we searched round and round the branches
Rolling in leaves and naked 'neath the trees we lost the way back to our village
But I swear we were all pure of heart till that old crone did bewitch us
And I know we will all go home, when the good lord returns to save us