The three day war
No time before had ever seen such power released
Great cities fell. The earth went to hell
Thousands then alive soon were deceased
Technology - given to me
Turned me from main into a killing machine
Just black and white. No wrong or right
No fine line in between
Oh, god, forgive me!...
In the distance - a burning city
The flames foretell my eternity
Decisions made - obey my prime detective
When there's no war, how am I to obey!
Destroy the enemy - my prime detective
But in this world of peace, who is the enemy?
Who is the enemy?...
I must decide - syntheticide?
Or a life full of guilt and pain?
This bloody trend will never end
There's everything to lose and nothing to gain
I fought for the free and tranquility
Now I murder those I swore to protect
Why do I go on? My time has come and gone
But the truth is just so hard to accept
Though, I must try...
The urge to kill, coming over me
Now, I feel the flames of eternity