Total views: 2 times this weekAlbum: The Slaughter of Innocence, a Requiem for the Mighty / Original Release Date: 1997-05-16Genre: RockSong Duration: 6 min 47 sec
in the darkenss
i awaken
as once again
beneath the cover of the night sky
we indulge
in aliance of sathanas
the infinity
pounding at dawn
where shadows fear tread
as dark envokes me
i vow to thee
for my enemies shalt suffer
for we are the brave
i have eternity
in which we shalt dwell
dying ****"
deep in the forest...
deep in the spell...
drink deep in the promise of the midnight"
To dream of secrets, and desires in witch craft"
Immortal, Salvation, I bleed the sky, for he rythes upon the cross, bleeding the Jewish lies