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Bunty Vs. Beano
Help She Can't Swim
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Bunty Vs. Beano Lyrics

he put a hole through the rubber sheath
she's carrying his seed, she's his to keep
they're gonna have a baby

he wants to go to the football match
because it makes him feel like a real man
he wants to be hard just like his dad

girls wear pink and boys wear blue
bounces off of us and sticks to you
girls wear pink and boys wear blue
bounces off of us and sticks to you
girls dont wear blue, and boys dont wear pink

he wants to go to the football match
because it makes him feel like a real man
he wants to be hard just like his dad

he wants to meet a nice girl to bare him kids
he wants to meet a nice girl to be his bitch
a mother in the kitchen, whore in the bedroom

girls wear pink and boys wear blue
bounces off of us and sticks to you
girls wear pink and boys wear blue
bounces off of us and sticks to you
girls dont wear blue, and boys dont wear pink

michael winner
frank skinner
courtney love
beck hanson
r kelly
mariah carey
john power
dane bowers
brody dalle
bernard manning
ben affleck
princess diana
vanessa phelts
simon cowell
ashton kutcher
frank butcher

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Songwriter(s): Tom Denney, Frances Haines, Tom Baker, Tim Palmer, Lewis Baker
Record Label(s): 2010 Fantastic Plastic
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