It was said that our race had passed into legend but i´ll
tell you a story about ancient times
When the ones of my blood stroke with power to defend
their roots with their life
Early morning awakes the blood-rage and a bastion now
rides battlewards
Burning eyes watch over the enemy, a spark and the fire
will start to burn
And the voice of the ancient ones is a message blowing
winged to be heed
´cause my blood has dwelt here for centuries there will
always be a we and a they
Early mourning, sweat and bloodshed rising with the
battlefield´s fog
One more day of battles and corpses, flesh for the ravens
fertilize the earth
Stained my face with your blood and pointing down my
It´s time to feast and to drink from the horns
But before clean up your ax, Why? For Tomorrow? NO!
(There´s) No tomorrow for us, cold is the wind that blows
in our hearts
Only the halls of gods are waiting for us