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In-hair-brain Lyrics

And time goes by. We're watching as the seasons change.
And we will die. Nothing's gonna stop that now. And time
goes by. There's no way we can rearrange. And we will
die. Nothings going to stop that now. Time flies. See it
rise. Is it in time? I see in m fathers eyes, something
that surpasses time. A part of him is inside and that
will never die. Now that time has passed, I have begun to
see through his eyes. An as childhood slips away from me.
If I don't live like every moment really matters. Then we
will know our pain. Another moment passes. Another dream
whispers by. Sometimes I can recall them. Sometimes
they're lost into the night. And then a voice says to me,
out of my TV. He says to buy my prayer cloth. He says its
powers will set you free. Another voice says to me, out
of that same old TV, it says to listen to me. He says my
words will set you free. And then a voice inside me
whispers through my brain. It says to listen to me. It
says I'm more than this -- I'm saved.

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