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Tribal Man
Hot Water
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Tribal Man Lyrics

Hey hey upon my shore you landed your ship and you walked up to me
And hey hey upon my land you stranded your ship and you walked up slowly
Well I think that you might find that I look a little bit funny

Because deep inside I’m a tribal man with a heart of gold and fears in my
I said well deep inside I’m a tribal man with a heart of gold and spears in
My hand
I said well deep inside I’m a tribal man with a heart of gold and fears in
My hand
I said well deep inside I’m a tribal man with a heart of gold and spears in
My hand

Spears in my hand

Well I was travelling the seas when you found me; I was following the
Breeze of a country
I was travelling the seas when you found me living by the barrel of a gun
I was travelling the seas when you found me; I was following the dream of a
I was trying to find a reason for breathing for feeling for stealing they
Told me I’m a soldier

But deep inside I’m a tribal man with a heart of gold and fears in my hand
I said well deep inside I’m a tribal man with a heart of gold and spears in
My hand
I said deep inside I’m a tribal man with a heart of gold and fears in my
Deep inside I’m a tribal man well I’m a tribal man

I’m a tribal man

I’m a tribal man

I’m a tribal man

You can take my land you can take my sea you can take my sand you can take
The things I think I am
You can take my land you can take my sand you can take my sea you can take
The things I think are me
You can take my life you can take my wife you can take my home you can take
The things I think I own
You can take my life you can take my style you can take my child you can
Take the things I think

But deep inside I’m a tribal man, heart of gold and fears in my hand
Deep inside I’m a tribal man, yes I’m a tribal man
Inside I’m a tribal man, heart of gold and fears in my hand
Deep inside I’m a tribal man, yes I’m a tribal man

I’m a tribal man

I’m a tribal man

I’m a tribal man

I’m a tribal man

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these lyrics are submitted by BURKUL4
Record Label(s): 2010 Donovan Copley
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