Yeah, looking back on this good year
Makes me happy that I'm here
Makes me wanna shed a tear
What a fun, successful year
I'm so glad
Everything I did with friends
And the places that we went
All the money that we made
And the time that we spent together
Wish I could relive this Good Year forever
My mental health just keeps on getting better
All the large gatherings I went to I will treasure
Goodbye 2020
I wish we didn't have to part
Goodbye 2020
You'll always be in my heart
No, I did not feel alone
Had no risk of going broke
Didn't spend much time at home
I'm not addicted to my phone
I got to hang out with my bros
At big music festivals
Nothing bad happened this year
Twelve straight months without no fear
Everybody's safe and sound
Goodbye 2020
Ain't nowhere to go but down
Bye, bye bye bye (Hovey)
Bye, bye bye bye (Hovey Benjamin made this beat)