A weathered cardboard shelter becomes another family home. The problems and the faces, for most, remain unknown. But the ones who have the power are perfectly aware and by looking at their actions you can see how much they care. By wealthy housed politicians, the laws have been defined and these leaders have decided that being homeless is a crime. They don't see it as enough to harass the people on the street. They also try to deny them from getting anything to eat. Try and feed the hungry and your food is confiscated because they won't allow compassion to undue what they've created. Instead of offering community service, they'd rather try to stop it. Because their food isn't for hunger, it's only purpose is profit. Government seems to think they can relate to how people feel but they're not the ones who have to beg for a single meal. The cities look much nicer with the homeless out of sight so the cops are sent to violate our most basic human rights. The system doesn't seem to want to meet the people's needs or for us to organize and have the ability to lead. For billions every day, hunger strikes in the name of consumer greed. Hunger strikes to promote corporate growth. Hunger strikes and meet the government's need. Hunger strikes the problems with their thinking. The problem with their laws is that the problem is not affected. The problem is the cause. Corporate and government dealings and the situations they create. Along with their profit margins we see hunger elevate. The number of homeless is growing every day. There's plenty of food to go around and enough places to stay. In a world with enough food, hunger is the crime. You see it all around you and you won't be far behind.