in fitful dreams
i screamed your words
remembered him inside of her
my lover gone
dripped from my lips
like liquid through me so elusive -
i drank from your hands
i drank from your mouth
You poured into me
until I was drowned
i had no breath
was drunk on you
i would have given
it all to you
to you to you
in restless sleep.
vision of two
i screamed your words
with hope I too
would become sacred
I too could fly
but my wings are wet
my mouth too dry
to kiss you Goodbye
to kiss you Goodbye
to kiss you Goodbye
i drank from your hands
i drank from your mouth
You poured into me
Until I was drowned
I had no breath
was DRUNK on you
to you
check amazon for Exit Wound mp3 download these lyrics are submitted by kaan Songwriter(s): mike tempesta, aimee echo, jeff schartoff Record Label(s): 1997 Hollywood Records, Inc Official lyrics by
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