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Bottle It Up


Bottle It Up Lyrics

I'm not swimmin in the money
But at least I'm sleepin every night

Why does life get so boring?
And does it ever start to feel right?

Am I too proud to say I'm sorry?
My empathy hides in disguise

So sometimes I just force a smile
So I can escape
I can get out instead of try

So I'll just bottle it up
Save it for a night on the weekend
When I can't get enough
Cut flowers down to the stems
We can spiral all the way down
Then pull each other back to life
So I'll just bottle it up
Save it for a night on the weekend

But I kinda like it in a low key
Siamese arms in a fight

We only know where the beat is
When we tap our feet on time

Don't expect that you'll find it
Ever again if you stop

They say it's all about the rhythm
But I'm everywhere that it's not

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these lyrics are submitted by BURKUL4
Songwriter(s): Chadwick Johnson
Record Label(s): 2020 Hundredth
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