slowly quite slowly struggles a word of thirst out of his mouth slowly quite slowly opens itself a backyard's door out on the masonry serving machines lie in wait and a dead plumptree rips off the passing by dog's tail
slowly quite slowly it dawns a boy is swallowing slowly quite slowly the bones of the right little finger of his father down the door in backyard closes no more the masonry was just a set the nightwatcher movie a wild slaughter of ancient sewing art in known lands
the nightwatcher isn't interested in that no more while the interested do not watch the night go on
and the tree - as you will see it is now lord of the machines and they are - away too far they're sewing a black stole for it slowly - you always watch the winter passing by slowly, slowly - the winter's passing by
the dogs they are no more have eaten too much plum the boy is also nearly full his father - the nightwatcher - he isn't interested in he's rather not thirsty with the nails of sewing machines in his mouth no dogs will bite him