Here I am once again broken on my knees
And the only thing I ask, use me as You please
Take my heart, take my voice, take every part of me
Life it up above the noise
I sing for You, I sing for You
I sing for You my king
I sing for You, only You when no one's listening
I sing for You
I have tried to so hard to please every heart but Yours
I have fallen that place I first beheld Your face
But Your love and Your grace is calling me back
To the place I'm meant to be
I live for You, I live for you
I live for You my king
I live for You, and only you, all my life and offering
I live for You
The only thing that really matters now
Is giving every breath for Your renown
It's all for You, everything I do for You
It's all for You Jesus, Whatever I go through