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Wasted Youth
Jesse Camp


Wasted Youth Lyrics

Skunked out into the night
Splitting home to go dig on the street
Sick of all the same ole hassles + drills & copz on
their bullshit beats
But with my virgin veins
And all my growing pains
The myths of street kid living
Didn't match the shit I was givin'
Ain't no noddin' off on dreams
Sleepin' in reality

Wasted youth
It ain't wasted on me
Set me free
You are my destiny

Taken in by all the older kidz
Who lived it all way before me
Some don't last for much too long
And some leave us tragically
Cause when you're gettin too old
And your habit takes hold
You start to lose your twinkling smile
You know it's all the same trap
I wanna hear your dumb rap
You live in the same shit as we do
I don't need your denial

Wasted youth
You ain't wasted on me
Set me free
You are my destiny

Feelin so slow
Feelin so small
Guess they were right
We were destined to fall
We're fallin' lower + lower + lower till we ain't
nowhere at all

You know I think we lost our minds out there
Fallen face down into their dirt
Cause it's too easy too (sic) shut yourself on down
Succomb to all their pain and hurt
But I was born a free man
Won't slam no cuffz on my hands
And I ain't gonna turn on the kidz that helped me out
Cause we ain't your victims no more
Without your spike slammin sore
Wasted youth?
That ain't us thatz your own damn miss

Wasted youth
You ain't wasted on me
You ain't our destiny
Set us free

Flyin' high
Flyin' free
Flyin' for goddamn pretty youth

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Record Label(s): 1999 Hollywood Records, Inc
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