Black like the Black like the home of time
Green like the Green like the naive child
You can't be ready for birth (But the HOrse Doctor can)
You can't be ready for life
The mercenary product of poo is his home turf when it comes to
He smells like he is constantly been operating on a baseball
You can't be ready for death
MHHMHMHM~!!!! ~ PFFFT! (that is a horse sound)
Nguyen smells like a piece of the Horse Doctors hair on his mane!!
I wish he can operate on everybody
Horse doctor man will you take care of us
The horse is a horse but not a rake made out of corse straw!!!
I lost your name but I do know your alias
Dry Dry like the horse's cum!
Do you have an appointment with the horse doctor? How that horse
became a doctor i have no idea!! HAHAHAHHAHAAH!! no he's just a
regular doctor that tranquillises your horse when it breaks it's leg! :D
Sharp like the weapons of war
He knows that putting cheese into cup cakes makes them better no
what type.
Its a recipe for disaster! NO its a recipe for some scrumptious
Cold like the eyes of a snake
Blue like the stupid penis on a shoe lace
You can't be ready for birth
You can't be ready for life
He inhals Jake mcallif through a tube!
He put Jake Mcallif into a grain of sand then jumps on him repeditivley.
Rory Martell is the King of pop.!!
He eats Jake Mcallifs ass for breakfast
he is ranked number 8 in the world at rating stuff out of 10!!!
Dry like the Sharp like the Broken like the Cold like the
He has an atar score of 99.95 times a billion!
I hope you enjoy my cupcakes! coz of the horse!
I think that it demonstrates to us all that I enjoy cupcakes regardless of the cheese factor hahahahahahahaha