"Well-meaning fool, pick up thy bed and rise up from your
gloom smiling.
Give me your hate, and do as the loving heathen do."
"Colours I've none, dark or light, red, white, blue. Cold
is my touch--freezing.
Summoned by name, I am the overseer over you.
Given this command to watch o'er our miserable sphere,
fallen from grace,
Called on to bring sun or rain, occasional corn from my
oversight grew.
Fell with mine angels from a far better place, offering
services for the saving of face.
Now you're here, you may as well admire all whom living
have retired from the benign reconciliation.
Legends were born surrounding mysterious lights seen in
the sky flashing--
I just lit a fag, and then took my leave in the blink of
an eye.
"Passionate Play, join 'round the maypole in dance,
primitive rite (wrongly).
Summoned by name, I am the overseer over you."