That Ain't Enough Lyrics

How many times did you
tell me "I need you"?
How many times did I
Try to belive you
(That ain't enough)

How many roads did I
Ride just to find you
How many fires did you
burn there behind you
(That ain't enough)

That ain't enuf to satisfy my love
I'm so greedy
No that ain't enuf you called my bluff
When I was bleeding

You knew me so well
I trusted your power
Now that you're gone
It's my darkest hour
(That ain't enough)

That ain't enuf to satisfy my love
I'm so greedy
No that ain't enuf you called my bluff
When I was bleeding

I was losin my head
over somethin' you said
But I don't blame you
I was falling apart
About to break my heart
I was the same as you

You know I care
I combed your hair
with my fingers
If that ain't enough
I'm givin' up
I won't linger

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Songwriter(s): joe ely
Record Label(s): 1995 UMG Recordings, Inc
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