Total views: 2 times this week / Rating: 9/10 [1 vote]Album: Ice Age - The Meltdown / Original Release Date: 2006-04-04Genre: SoundtrackSong Duration: 1 min 34 sec
Food, glorious food
Eat right through the menu
Just loosen you're belt
Two inches and then you
Work up a new appetite
In this interlude
Food once again food
Fabulous food, glorious food.
Food, glorious food
Poached possum served flambe'd
Broth made from a sloth
Or saber tooth souffle
Why should we be fated to
Do nothing but brood on
Food, magical food
Wonderful food
Marvelous food
Food, glorious food
Flesh picked off the dead ones
Rank, battered or chewed
Soon we'll be the fed ones
Just thinking of putrid meat
Puts us in a mood for
Food glorious food
Marvelous food
Fabulous food
Beautiful food
Magical food
Glorious food
check amazon for Food Glorious Food mp3 download these lyrics are submitted by kaan these lyrics are last corrected by Katherine Penes Songwriter(s): Lionel Bart Record Label(s): 2006 Var se Sarabande Official lyrics by
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