Madness and chasing the mundane
Between the scarring of dreams
Racing against daytimes nightmares
Trying to put that bad road behind
Here it is already tomorrow afternoon
While the clock claims it's still yesterday
Too many games played in too many heads
So many questions but nothing gets said
Fear teaches denial how not to think
Distorting feelings as a way not to feel
The need to believe shoots up its fix
Scoring with promises when the lie doesn't work
With more tears in our eyes than stars
Civilized cruelty's disguise of rationalization
Elitist class, racist, sexist rage
Chains of freedom and a crack in the liberty bell
Wounds without scars, scars without wounds
Darkening the heart in an isolation of time
In the shadows alone is the hunter
Love with love looks for love to survive
Madness and the sane part of insane
Could it be that just to survive or exist
When viewed through the prism of light
Can be considered a lower form of life