Coal, Smoke, Valve Oil And Steam Lyrics

Coal, smoke, valve oil and steam
My heart is sad, I'm living in dreams
I can't tell why I love the smell
Of coal, smoke, valve oil and steam

I worked for the railroad all of my life
To make a home, for my Darlin' wife
But now, I'm retired and feelin' so low
Weary and tired with a heart full of woe


I pull on the whistle to clear the line
And to bring that Fireball in on time
Oh time in your life, please take me back
Let me hear the driver's click again on the track


A short forty years went flyin' on by
Now I'm so lonesome, I could die
If I find heaven, the way I've been told
I'll go an engine down a track made of gold


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these lyrics are submitted by BURKUL4
Songwriter(s): V. Pennart, Martin, F. Robison
Record Label(s): 2005 Digital Musicworks International
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