It was inevitable,I suppose,I mean,it'd been building
up for weeks,no one could talk about anything else,just
going over it,over and over it,
honest,I was sick to death of it all,but you know how
people are about things like this,its all;
"What did he say?.. Did he?The *******,I'm not standing
for that!"
"Just who do they think they are,they can't push us
around, can they lads?"In the end,I suppose there
wasn,t any choice.
I blame then though, in my opinion,it was
needle,needle,nag nag,they wouldn't let it
drop,Course,they're not stupid,stands to reason,
never underestimate your enemies,intelligence,as they
say,Oh,they knew what was what,no doudt about it,daed
Got what they wanted in the end,I suppose....We just
couldn't resist.
After, when it was all over and we'd picked ourselves
up, injuries all round but nothing you could really
show, we made the best of it, like you do, you know,
"Wasn't as bad as all that,eh? They'll know who's boss
now,eh? We showed 'em a thing or two...."
That sort of thing, but, i dont know.... things weren't
the same afterwards... I dont know, its not that we'd
done anything we'd said we wouldn't,
I just think, we hadnt imagined it would be
that...dirty, we thought it'd be a bit of a joke, but
it wasnt like that after a while, it was us they had
jumping through the hoops, we were performing poodles
grabbing at the bait,not them.
It was all,well,degrading,if you see what i
mean...Oh,everyone rushed around congratulating us.
"You won,you won , it was great,you were
great..."People just didnt understand how we felt...
So we just let on everything was fine...I dontknow,All
I cansay is, I dont think we betrayed anyone,did we,eh?
No,I dont think we let anyone down....except