Covers Are Thrown Lyrics

If you're to believe in the things that I say,
You should know I speak up even when I'm afraid.
Cause it scares me more to think you wouldn't know,
How I feel when those covers get thrown.
And I kick them off in the night when we're sleeping,
So we wake from our warm dreams to find ourselves
And you corner me on edge and expect that I'm fleeing.
But it's just that those covers got thrown.

You're enough for me,
Am I enough for you?
And ordinarily I wouldn't ask such a question of you.

And it's only recently to me occured,
that I'm not at all sure if I could take the hurt,
Or the ache I'd incur from a heart-break like her.
But it's too late those covers got thrown.

You're enough for me,
Am I enough for you?
And ordinarily I wouldn't ask such a question.

But I've been investing much more than I'm worth,
Fully expecting to collect a return,
And based on the climate things could be much worse,
But this gambling frightens me.

Try not to be careless or jealous with hearts.
And try not to think of the end from the start.
And don't cripple your future with limps from your
Cause it can get cold when those covers get thrown.

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Songwriter(s): Joshua Jon Pyke
Record Label(s): 2006 Ivy League Records
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