Me I essuie glasses
At the bottom of the coffee
I have to make well too much
to be able to dream
And in this Banal
decoration to be cried
It still seems to to me
to see Them arriving…
They arrived
being held by the hand
the air filled with wonder
At two chérubins
Carrying the sun
They asked
Of a quiet voice
a roof to like
In the middle of the city
And I remember
That they looked
Of an air tenderized
the hotel room
To yellowed paper
And when I closed
the door on them
Y' had as well sun
At the bottom of their eyes
As that hurt me,
Than that hurt me…
Me, I essuie glasses
At the bottom of the coffee
I have to make well too much
to be able to dream
And in this Banal
decoration to cry
It is body against body
Which one found them…
Being held they
were found by the hand
the eyes closed again
About other Remplis
mornings of sun
One laid down them
Unis and quiet
In a bed dug
In the middle of the city
And I remember
to have closed again
In the small day
the hotel room
Of the one day old lovers
But they planted me
All at the bottom of the heart
a taste of their sun
And as well of colors
Than that made me badly,
As that hurt me…
Me I essuie glasses
At the bottom of the coffee
I have to make well too much
to be able to dream
And in this Banal
decoration to cry
Y' has always outside…
... The room to be rented…