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What About My Dreams
Kati Wolf
Szabadnak Lenni


What About My Dreams Lyrics

I always stood behind you always close
Stood by your side no matter what the cost
And I always was there for you when you called
Should I live all my life for only your cause
What about my life
What about my dreams
What about how I feel
What about my needs
I can't hold back, I can't go back, I must be free
What about how I feel
What about my life

I cant / hold back / no more

Tíz lépés, száz lépés távolság kell
Nem számít merre, csak el tõled el
Mit mondhatnál, mit mondhatnék, elkoptunk rég
Szemeinkbõl nézd, hova tunt a fény..

What about my life
What about my dreams
What about how I feel
What about my needs
I can't hold back, I can't go back, I must be free
What about how I feel
What about my life

I / can't hold back / (gonna live my dreams)
I / won't go back / (oh, my dreams)
I need to be / (gonna live my life)
All I can be
I / can't hold back / (I can't go back)
I / won't go back / (I must be free)
I need to be /
All I can be

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Record Label(s): 2011 Sony Music Entertainment Magyarorsz g Kft
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