To the third circle of the underworld where the rains
still fall
Diseased and carrying filth a stench fills the air as
As the sins that crawl within this evil realm's walls.
Excrement falls to fuel the mud filled land in this
level of hell.
Careful for this realm holds deplorable beings for
which you do not wish to be stuck.
Cerberus lurks his head holding count of his home
The heads of this beast leave trespassers frozen in
Past this mythical canine the bridge to the circle of
gluttons is here
The shadowy figure lie on the ground with similar
sinners held near.
The rains do pound on their heads as the mud begins to
In still motion covered in filth for eternity they must
Gluttony overcomes them and for their sins they will
Until final judgements from the heavenly gates they
will stay.
Past this mythical canine the bridge to the circle of
gluttons is here
The shadowy figure lie on the ground with similar
sinners held near.
Only concerned with pleasure their earthly existence a
Their portly bodies guiding their hunger with haste
Priorities left undone for their lack of ambition we
Their indolent ways and deplorable acts unknowingly
sealing their fate.
Guarded at it's gates the third level is uninhabitable
Putrid and foul the lives of it's sinners berated with
rain and hail.