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La Floa Maldita
Blue Moments Seek For You
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Stay Lyrics

Slightly aside

The eyes misty with tears

But no glaring light

Will ever blind ever hurt

Telling stillness fills the hall

Unsaid words and audible

Our own thoughts are visible

It's the next dawning day

The day's din subsides in the twilight

All around soft dim grey silent air

Saying stay
Slightly aside

The eyes misty with tears

But no glaring light

Will ever blind ever hurt

Telling stillness fills the hall

Unsaid words and audible

Our own thoughts are visible

It's the next dawning day

The day's din subsides in the twilight

All around soft dim grey silent air

Saying stay

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these lyrics are submitted by itunew3
Record Label(s): 2003 WTII Records
Official lyrics by

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