To Where We Belong Lyrics

Crossing the lands
Through the ivory gates of dreams
We start our trip in search for freedom
We push our souls
Through the folds of space and time
In search for hopes we never found

And tonight we won't fail
It is do or die
When tomorrow comes
We will hail to the new sun

Feel the wind on your face
While we ride
It's the cold wind of freedom
Two small points in the sky
Tiny lights
Going back to where we belong

Look at the world
We are leaving it behind
Our trip has started, now we're moving forth
No turning back
From the choices we have made
We're ending now what (we) started years ago

And tonight we won't fail
It is do or die
When tomorrow comes
We will hail to the new sun

Feel the wind on your face
While we ride
It's the cold wind of freedom
Two small points in the sky
Tiny lights
Going back to where we belong

Feel the wind on your face
While we ride
It's the cold wind of freedom
Two small points in the sky
Tiny lights
Going back to where we belong.

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Songwriter(s): TIRANTI, Magnani, CANTARELLI
Record Label(s): 2010 Live Global under exclusive licence by Thunder Music
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