Be Careful What You Sign Lyrics

I was walking down the road when I bumped into you
I was walking down the road when I bumped into you
you stopped me you touched me you looked me in the eye
I had a feeling that you knew me I decided you must die
I pulled out my Thornton special I shot you in the head
I threw you in the alley way and I left you for dead

then a man with a hat came up from behind
the sky went black and I thought i was blind
he put his hand inside my jacket and left a million
dollar bills
he slipped his hand into my pocket and gave me women
and thrills
and when I turned around to thank him there was no one
there but me
and both my hands where filled with sand I was standing
by the sea

we had a dinner at eight and women at nine
the party was great till we ran out of wine
there was a knock upon the bedroom door my knees began
to shake
and this man came in and melted all the candles on my
he said I've come here to escort you it's time for you
to go
he opened up my body and he took away my soul

I was running down the road
I was running down the road
I was trying to leave
and I saw you all alone in between the thieves
and when the lightning flashed I saw somebody hanging
from a tree
and as I turned to walk away I realized it was me
I pulled out my Thornton special I shot me in the head
I threw me in the alley way and left me for dead
down the road
down the road

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Songwriter(s): Larry D. Norman
Record Label(s): 2008 Solid Rock Productions, Inc
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