let's yell if we see it in ourselves.
the passion to do something more
than live inside our culture's f*cking walls.
now i don't have the answers
of what a perfect world should be.
but we'll start to find the answers
when we find community.
so get up to see the sunlight.
so yeah i must remind myself
i can be active with the activists
or sleep in with the sleepers.
but i don't have the answers.
but i know another lonely night on this couch
won't do anything for my world or myself.
so next time i hear someone call someone a fag
or a guy call a girl a bitch
i'm going to f*cking scream.
yeah next time the passion hits me
i'll try to find out
what the pop songs mean.
expressing my guilt through a consumer product
doesn't mean i've solved anything.
but as i've always found a way through my pain
i'll find a way through my apathy.
the revolution in video games
distracts me from the real thing
and from where i need to be - in community