I'm Back in The Closet Again
Back where I ain't got a friend
I have to piss and moan
'Cause I'm sitting all alone
Back in The Closet Again
So whoopee ti yi yea
It's sure a bummer being Gay
When I'm Back in The Closet Again
The Revolution started outright
Black Panthers were leading the fight
The Lords were in the left flank
The women drove a Sherman tank
And the workers were a hunk of dynamite
A battalion of Gay men brought up the rear
Packing two grenades in each bassiere
Every purse was filled with mace
Carbine rifles trimmed with lace
Them campy Gay guerillas knew no fear
But the liberation forces got uptight
They screamed, "You fags ain't got no human rights
We think you guys are sick
'Cause all you want's a prick"
And while we scrapped, pigs stole the whole damn fight
That was the end of the revolution, my friend
'Cause all of us are going to the pen
They're rounding up the Blacks
Then they're after Gay folks next
So I'm Back in The Closet Again