LETHIAN DREAMS Red Silence Lodge Lyrics
Aren't they cold
The eyes you see me with
Aren't they old
The words you speak
I still bleed from the same wounds
It is still the same taste of salt
They are living inside my dreams
I feed them now as I trapped them in
I will keep on chasing the unreal
Even if I know I'll die each time more
It never leaves
I still feel the rain
The one you say that isn't...
The one you don't comprehend
Every scar will stay
Pale lilac, amethyst
Every scar is alive
Pale lilac, amethyst
Every scar will stay
Pale lilac, amethyst
Every scar is alive
Pale lilac, amethyst
Every scar will stay
Pale lilac, amethyst
Every scar is alive
Pale lilac, amethyst
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