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Missing You
Lil' Corey
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Missing You Lyrics

Things will never be the same with out you

[Verse 1: Lil Corey]
What did I do to deserve this,
I didn't even get one last kiss from you
Ohh baby
God took your love from me you need an angel so it seems
[? ]
I need to feel your hands all over me
I need to feel you kissing me
I need to fell you hold in me
I need feel your touch cause I miss your love so much
And I can't keep on living this way
I need you here with me why could he take you away from me

It's hard for me to tell you I love you as I'm standing over your grave and I know I'll never hear your voice again why did you leave me y couldn't you just stay because my world is nothing without you
Now I don't know what to do with myself

[Verse 2:]
I would of given you anything just to make you happy just to hear you say that you love me one last time
I'll go to hell and back
Over and over again just to prove to you how much I need you here
There is nothing I won't do I ll die for you
I'll lie for you
And there is no doubt that if I could take your place in heaven I would die for you
If I could I would rather give up my life never see the tears in your eyes

I can't stand to see you cry cause it's hard for me to tell you I love you as I'm standing over your grave and I know I'll never hear your voice again why did you leave me y couldn't you just stay because my world is nothing without you
And know I don't know what to do with myself
I just don't know what to do with myself

[Verse 3:]
I can't stop looking at those pictures on the shelf
Knowing it was just to weeks ago
I stood there and took that picture
There's just one thing that I want to know
Why would god want to hurt me so bad does he knows how much it hurts to be missing you baby I'm missing you baby I'm missing you I love you
God Dammit I loved you why did he take you away from me
Because I love you so I miss you so much baby I just can't go on baby

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