I'll wake with bitter life...
As earth has burdened me
So I have burdened man
But less cruel have I been
These days that leave me yearning for you...
Times since passed for you and I
...And in my dream, embracing eternal sleep
Holding you... I reached my death
I offer you my final breath
A kiss to say goodbye
Would that I may rise
What flower hath fallen from heaven?
What flame has risen from hell?
...as we shall rise and fall again
(...and the breath of your burning heart
I redeem and dwells within my soul)
How would I know?
It is the fragrance of brooding life...
That I would breath now and
Forever more
I shall not vanish into nothing
I would not live could I but die
For the weight of the aeons are upon me
And the sea exhausts my sleep
(...and I vanish like a wasted sun)