Take care of me
Today no será como el día de ayer
Traté de hacerlo por mi cuenta;
Y no logrú derribar las murallas que
Me impiden crecer,
Entendí que solo tú lo puedes hacer.
Today I'll let You //take care//
Take care of me
Today I'll let You //take care//
Take care of me
All of my burdens and stress;
I choose to lay at your feet,
Why don't you what is best?
Es lo que sabes hacer
En casa toma tú las riendas Señor
Ordena el camino que he de correr;
Y de mis hijos sabes que te los entregué,
Para bien tu decreto ya se ha dicho y amen.
Today I'll let You //take care//
Take care of me
Today I'll let You //take care//
Take care of me
All of my burdens and stress;
I choose to lay at your feet,
Why don't you what is best?
Es lo que sabes hacer
It took me some time
But I finally realized
That It's always best to leave you in charge.
Así que toma el timón de mi vida te doy el control
Solo es tus manos estoy
Today I'll let You //take care//
Take care of me
Today I'll let You take care
Today I'll let You //take care//
Take care of me
Today I'll let You //take care//
Take care of me
(Lord I give you everything)
All of my burdens and stress;
(Lord I give you everything)
I choose to lay at your feet,
Why don't you what is best?