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El Camino (The Road)
Linda Ronstadt


El Camino (The Road) Lyrics

Written by Jesus Navarro

Por el quebrado camino
Que va a la sierra huasteca
Se oye cantar un jinete
Que monta una yegua prieta

Al acompasado trote
De la jaca tan inquieta
Brota el agudo falsete
Con que el jinete se alegra
Ay la la la

De lejos vengo yo a verte
a conseguir lo que quiero
Aunque la vida me cueste

Asi el polvo en el camino
Envuelve jinete y yegua
Hasta que los dos se pierden
Entre tupida arboleda

Despues ya solo se escucha
Por la lejana vereda
El falsete del huasteco
Que al cantar
Asi se expresa
Ay la la la...

The Road
Along the broken road
That runs along the huasteca range
A horseman is heard singing
Mounted on a dark mare

Accompanied by the trot
Of his restless mount
Breaking into high falsetto
The rider joyfully sings

I've come from far away to see you
To get what I long for
Even if it will cost my life

Like that the dust in the road
Surrounds horse and rider
Until they both disappear
In the thick forest

Later, all that is heard
Is the huasteco's falsetto
Ringing back from the distant trail

Trio Voices- Linda Ronstadt, Mike Ronstadt, Pete Ronstadt

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Songwriter(s): Jose Jesus Chucho Navarro
Record Label(s): 1991 Elektra Entertainment for the United States and WEA International Inc for the world outside of the United States
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