Interlude (intro) Lyrics

I want to be the star in your night
Shine upon the Earth with my light
Your face like a thousand stars
I know this love is never falling apart

I need you
You need me
I want you to need me
I breath you
Will you breath me?
I want you to love me

I want to be the ice in your winter
Freeze on your forehead when you’re running
Your face like a million dreams
I know our love will never fall apart

I feel you
You feel me
I want you to need me
I breath you
Will you breath me?
I want you to love me

Would you want me to hold on
To something far beyond my reach?
I dream my dreams
I know our love
I know our love will never tear us apart

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these lyrics are submitted by kaan
Songwriter(s): Liv Kristine Espenaes Krull
Record Label(s): 2012 Napalm Records Handels Gmbh
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