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Its The Robber Gangsta Version
Lounger G


Its The Robber Gangsta Version Lyrics

Intro: By: Ms Krazy: Police are Looking for a while Knowen Latino Gangster Rapper who gos by the Name Lounger G, Police say that he has Ties to Servel Robbery Sprees up an Down Interstate I-25 They also say he is Armed & Dangerous they say do not Aproch him call the Police............................................................................................................................1st VERSE Im Back an im all Dressed in Back ,Back for Revenge like a Fugitive Felon on the Run its a Rapper Wraping Dead Bodies up Wraping Dead Bodies up ya im a Psyco Walking Down a Psyco Path an best Belive im Armed and Dangerous an Heated up, Puffen an Blowen Smoke Dumping Blunt Ashs on your Ass an i dont wanna hear shit if Doller Signs anit Coming out your Mouth thats Right with this High Cost of Living shits became a Problem goting a Mother f*cker wanting to Robber a Bank in The 1st Degree....................................................................................................................................( Chours ) Its The Motha f*cken Robber an im Back with a Real 45 strait Kicking in Doors Demanding Cash ,Give me that Shit Blasting Shots with No f*cking Warning Shots i anit Playing no Games .............................................................................................................................................2nd VERSE: This anit the Its the Robber Misson Tour that was the Last one, This is a f*cken Robbery Spree, your NeighborHood Watcher Breaking entry with only 1 thing on my Mind geting the Money an geting the f*ck Out i already got the Blue Prints for the Hit already Laid out of one of the Biggest Heist go Down in History like Unsolved Mysterys an you Called Call This History The Story Of A Great Colorado Robbery have you saying f*cken Lounger G did it Like D.B.Cooper Hit the Jackpot an Now back to the Stash Spot..............................................................................................................................................................................................( Chours ) Its The Motha f*cken Robber an im Back with a Real 45 strait Kicking in Doors Demanding Cash ,Give me that Shit Blasting Shots with No f*cking Warning Shots i anit Playing no Games..........................................................................................................................3rd VERSE: Black Hoodie an Ski Mask an Gutter Mother f*ckers with Noting an Noting to Lose Driving around on Stoelen Black Spary Painted Kids Bikes Geto Reged with other kinda Bike Parts with the Same Mutha f*ckers that will Murder your Ass in the Heat of the Night taking everyting you got Leaving a Crime Scen of a Robbery an it will be a Hit an Run taking for my Own Personl Gain i told yous we were gona Play a Game Called Servel an the Object of the Game is Do or Die.............................................................................................................................................................................. ( Chours ) Its The Motha f*cken Robber an im Back with a Real 45 strait Kicking in Doors Demanding Cash ,Give me that Shit Blasting Shots with No f*cking Warning Shots i anit Playing no Games.

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