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Tuxedo Junction
Manhattan Transfer
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Tuxedo Junction Lyrics

Boop bop, Boop Bop
Boop bop, Boop Bop
Boop bop, Boop Bop
Boop bop, Boop Bop

Way down South, in Birmingham
I mean South, in Alabam'
There's a place
Where people go to dance the night away

It's a junction
Where the town folk meet
At each function in their best they'll greet you

Sax solo

Scat solo

Way down South, in Birmingham
I mean South, in Alabam'
That old place

Boop bop, Boop Bop
Boop bop, Boop Bop
Boop bop, Boop Bop
Boop bop, Boop Bop

Way down South, in Birmingham
I mean South, in Alabam'
'Ans old place
Where people go to dance the night away
They all drive or walk for miles
To get blues - that southern style,
So blue - it'll make you want to dance the night away
Tuxedo Junction - where I want to be

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Songwriter(s): Julian Dash, William Johnson, Buddy Feyne, Erskine Hawkins
Record Label(s): 1978 Atlantic Recording Corporation for the United States and WEA International Inc for the world outside of the United States
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