For every star I've learned to name
for every valley where I've staked my claim
for all you did
and all you do
I owe you
For every burden I can bear
for mountains I have climbed cause you were there
I hope you know
I know the truth
I owe you
I owe you
And every day I rise to greet the sun
Because I've lived to see another one
some how just words don't seem enough
to thank you- how I thank you for your love
For every fall I took with grace
For standing up to every fear I face
When my courage failed
your faith came through
I owe you
I owe you
I owe you
check amazon for I Owe You mp3 download these lyrics are submitted by kaan Record Label(s): 2010 Green Hill Productions, a div of Spring Hill Music Group, Inc All rights reserved Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws Official lyrics by
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