The Whistling Song Lyrics

It’s the shadow in the dark,
The silver in the park,
It’s the broken, faded bird,
You’ve learned to call your heart,

It’s not a thing you can seek,
Plainer than you or me,
I’ve opened a lock there,
And I don’t have the key,
No key…

It’s over in the living room,
Just above the door,
Whistles while it hangs there,
Feathers drip from every pore,
It shows a spectacle of falling,
Settles to the floor,

It shows a spectacle of falling,
And settles to the floor,

Settles to the floor!

This is what I hear, It's really hard to hear the second verse, especially the first and third sentences. Listen and tell me what you think.

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these lyrics are last corrected by Matt Hogan
Songwriter(s): Meat Puppets
Record Label(s): 2011 Meat Puppets
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