Travel south from the hills
Lying covered all in fern
With wild heather down in the glen
There's a field being burned, soil being turned
Ready for the seed time again
North East South Westward ho
Fires on horizons grow
Seasons turn, bonfires burn
Everywhere the embers blow, everywhere the embers
On November the Fifth people gather on the heath
Point their Roman candles at the sky
From a broken branch and leaf they construct a fiery
Ready for the burning of the Guy
North East South Westward ho
Fires on horizons grow
Seasons turn, bonfires burn
Everywhere the embers blow, everywhere the embers
Half a million homes make the ruined city glow
The light in every window burns the same
Half a million fires put together makes a pyre
Chimney smoke turns into chimney flame
North East South Westward ho
Fires on horizons grow
Seasons tum, bonfires burn
Everywhere the embers blow, everywhere the embers
Everywhere the embers blow, everywhere the embers